Hi!! You just got to the best place to know me!! After several years of working in a completely different industry, big changes came into my life in 2018. These changes made me go back to basics and start a soul search for what was it that I really loved doing. Found my answer in photography!!

Up to 2018, I was a hobby photographer. I knew I loved taking pictures since I was a kid and was playing with my mom’s film Canon. It was a shock to me when she sold it. After that, and once I was able to afford one, I always carried a camera with me. My wife always jokes that I was the inventor of the “selfie” Believe me, I’ve taken thousands of selfies since I can remember :D

After some time figuring out which genre to pursue, found myself enjoying Wedding Photography the most! I think it shows the love I have for photography and documenting your journey as newlyweds! Let’s chat!